Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Yard Sale

My apologies, I have no actual pictures of what last weekends yard sale looked like... we were just a tad too busy I suppose. It was fairly successful. The first day it took me three hours to set up everything(I was awake by 6am) then I waited, and waited.... and waited but nobody came. Dave suggested I go make sure our signs were still okay, turns out they had curled up over night from the moister in the air and no one could see the signs. We made new signs and as Dave was putting them up people started coming woohoo! The first day we sold the pool and a few more small items. The second day was much better our first customer bought a bed frame, bakers rack and side tables. We had lots of people come and bought a decent amount of stuff and our final amount was around $260... not too bad. Next weekend I'll put out some more furniture items and a few more things I found that we don't need then what ever is left from that we'll bring to the salvation army. Thank you to Vanessa for the good advice on having a yard sale!

1 comment:

Nessie said...

Congrats!!! It sounded like it was a great success! Good talking with you the other day... I hope that takes a lot of stress off of your shoulders now as you prepare to leave. One thing down, a million more to go, right?! haha. It tends to feel that way :-)