Tuesday, July 29, 2008

All in one place, so much better.

First we has piles of yard sale stuff in every room, now it is all in the bonus room which makes me feel much less claustrophobic. There is still more to be added to the pile and I got a great idea while reading a friends blog who is also moving. Hopefully, Prayerfully, I can get someone to "host" my yard sale for a couple weeks and I can take all this stuff over there so we can get on with getting the house on the market. We interviewed some great realtors this morning and I am thinking we may be able to put the house up for sale by next week. This can only happen if I can get a "host" for the yard sale and get all the painting and fixing done by then.

Some baby stuff, books, and self.


These are the storage containers the clothes are in, one has clothes, the other is office type stuff and craft stuff.

The clothes racks are still in our room but at least its not a pile.

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