Saturday, December 20, 2008

A Change Of Place

Please follow me over to my new bloggy home. I will not be posting anymore on this particular blog and have moved everything over to: Hope to see you there!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

New Blog

Those of you who are interested in midwifery, natural childbirth, homebirth, doulas, etc. I have created a new blog about my journey to being a doula and midwife: At times these subjects can be controversial so only visit with an open mind.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Just For Fun

I saw this and I thought it looked fun.
Your rainbow is shaded green.


What is says about you: You are an intelligent person. You feel strong ties to nature and your mood changes with its cycles. Those around you admire your fresh outlook and vitality.

Find the colors of your rainbow at

Wonder why my bloggy colors ended up being green?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Photos

We usually go to target to get Christmas pictures done but this year I decided to take the pictures myself. As most of you know I do have a little experience and have taken a couple college classes in photography. However a digital photo class is something I was never interested in, so basically I know the just of posing and color co-ordinating but once it is uploaded to my computer, cropped and resized my skills are at a stand still. Another problem is that I have a VERY basic digital camera and the photo program I have is hmmm.... more than lacking. Apart form all that the pictures didn't turn out too bad.

Caleb was my first victim... I mean subject. He was such a good sport about it and said "Merry Christmas" for all the shots.
Man that kid needs a hair cut! Oh well, maybe I'll just let it grow out and see what it looks like long haha.

Getting Leland to stay in one place was REALLY a challenge!

Hurry Caleb kiss your brother! Click click. Good job boys!

The resolution to getting Leland to stay in one place was a little... no A LOT scary! I had Caleb sit on a stool and hold Leland in his lap while Dave is below them hoping no one falls.

Cute though don't you think?

For my last task I had to figure out the self timer on my camera (something I had never used before). Try to get everyone in the picture in the 10 seconds allotted and smile.
Okay so everyone but Leland in smiling but that was a little unrealistic.. at least we are all in there.

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 08, 2008

What Did We Do With Our Recently Finished Room?

For now it is a play room, Caleb LOVES it! I love it too, I can just trow all the toys in there at the end of the day and close the door, although I do clean and re-organize it about three times a week its a lot better than two or three times a day like I was doing before when the whole house was a "toy for all".

At some point I want to put a futon or sofa bed in there for guests but for now the only seating is our toy storage thing :)

Its nice to have space for Caleb's tunnels and tents to be up all the time. He and the cat play cat and mouse with it, although sometimes I'm not sure whos who...

In one corner I set up a little reading area.

Twinkle, Twinkle Little House

We finally got to decorating the outside of the house this weekend. I changed this a bit from what we normally do and still have some more things I'd like to add but I am liking it more this year than years past. Before we get to that though I want to explain the improvements to the "train yard". Basically I painted the sheet of ply-wood that the train is on and added some snowmen... just wait 'till next year though I am hoping to have a couple houses and maybe a pond with ice skaters.

For the most part Leland has been good about not touching the trains or tree, he does need reminding now and then... like in this picture.

Oh, Mommy pleeeeaaaase can I touch it?

Usually we would have those trendy, annoying ice-sickle lights around the top of the porch but I decided to go with the more classic multi-color big bulbs instead. The garland with lights around the railing are the same but I changed the bush lights from multi-color to white this year.

I want to get some candles for all the windows and a small tree for the "play room" window ( second story, window to the far right)

Monday, December 01, 2008


On my Dads side of the family they have a tradition of putting up elaborate trains sets under the Christmas tree every year. So a couple years ago my parents decided to send us a train track plus accessories to keep this tradition going. This year I finally got around to putting it together. Ours isn't extravagant or elaborate yet but as the years go on we will add a little house here and some deer there so eventually it will be a great train yard.

I am thinking that I don't like this cotton snow stuff too much so I might just paint the wood white and add some of the cotton snow stuff in some places.