Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Long Trip!

Well we got back home a couple days ago from visiting Mom and Rich in N.C. and boy were we ever exhausted after a long day in the car. It didn't help that we ended up in Atlanta during rush hour and also needed to go grocery shopping before going home. We all had so much fun at Grandma and Grandpa's though that it was well worth it. I (being the forgetful person that I have become since having kids) forgot my camera again. So we have no pictures but we always have memories. Grandma and Grandpa took us to a butterfly exhibit where there was also a train that we all got to ride on, along with the butterflies there were wolves, bears, and lemurs. Grandma made yummy food as always and we watched "underdog" together. What a fun weekend!

Whew! I am soooo tired

A nice refreshing bath after being in the car all day.

splish splash

This looks so cool

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